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The Library’s mission and vision

The Central Medical Library (CML) is an academic library affiliated with the University of Zagreb School of Medicine (UZSM). Its mission is to support the UZSM and its clinical teaching bases in education, research, and healthcare activities. The main mission of the CML is to provide access to high quality medical and health information and support educational processes, scientific research, and lifelong learning. Additionally, the CML promotes information literacy and open access to information, both for faculty members, students, and the wider public. We believe that only free and open access to timely and accurate health and medical information insures making sound healthcare decisions based on scientific evidence.

The CML aims to become a recognizable knowledge and information center in the field of biomedicine and healthcare. Through its actions, the CML strives to be the leader in promoting open access to information, open science, and also in the development of the field of medical librarianship and information science. Leveraging on the modern information and communication technologies, the CML aims to provide innovative services and resources that will support faculty members, students, and healthcare professionals in their work, research, and education. The vision of the CML is to be a reliable partner in achieving excellence in education, research, and healthcare.