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The International PUBMET Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science focuses on various aspects of open access and open science, with special emphasis on scientific publishing, modalities of scientific communication, open access publishing models, research integrity and assessment. The Central Medical Library of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine participates in the organizational and programme committees.

After a successful first decade of the PUBMET conference, we are thrilled to announce exciting changes for this year, offering our participants the opportunity to learn about current topics related to the quality of scholarly communication in the first Summer School on Scholarly Communication, followed by the PUBMET2024 conference.

The themes of the 1st Summer School include the following:

  • Research integrity, including clear and transparent description of procedures, detection of data falsification and image manipulation, generative AI tools and ethics, addressing paper mills and other examples of fraudulent research;
  • The challenges of publication indexingvisibilitymetadata and persistent identifiers, and interoperability of data;
  • Multilingualism in scholarly publishing and responsible use of computer-assisted translation;
  • Rights and licensing, including implications of licence choices, retaining copyright, and transfer of rights.

The 11th PUBMET Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science

Following the Summer School, this year’s PUBMET2024 Conference will explore the core of open scholarly communication by focusing on the central theme of research assessment. We invite participants to examine the challenges ingrained in this process, including openness and transparency, bias mitigation, robustness, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency optimisation. Moreover, we aim to continue discussions on enhancing the peer review process, encompassing reviewer diversity, role clarification, capacity building, and technological advancements.

Ensuring integrity in assessment practices remains essential in this era of rapidly evolving research landscapes. PUBMET2024 seeks to address the ethical dimensions of research assessment, emphasising the recognition of diverse scientific outputs and advocating for the responsible utilisation of proxies and metrics. We recognise the value of content-based evaluation methodologies while supporting transformative initiatives that propel scholarly communication towards greater inclusivity and efficacy.

Summer School dates: 10-12 September 2024.

Conference: 12-13 September 2024.

Venue: Zadar, Croatia.

You can find more information on registration here.

Call for submission is available here.   

For more information, visit the PUBMET2024 website at: