Library Catalogue

Students can borrow books from the Library by presenting their Student ID card.
Search our library catalogue for the textbook(s) you are looking for. We recommend searching by “Riječi iz naslova”. Click on the title you want, and under “Lokacija” (location), click on „Studentska zbirka“ to see if there are any items available for loan.
Texbooks in English are available for reading romms use only; borrowing for a longer period is currently not available.
E-texbooks and handbooks
- ClinicalKey Books - Students have at their disposal the latest editions of medical textbooks and handbooks published by Elsevier. Some of the textbooks available in the database are: Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy, Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine and Robbins Basic Pathology.
- SpringeSpringer eBook Package English Medicine - The School of Medicine purchased a collection of e-books in the field of medicine published in 2018 by the publisher Springer. Access is enabled on all computers at the School and KBC Zagreb. It can also be accessed from other locations; in that case, you need to log in using the Shibboleth system and AAI@Edu password. Access is permanent, and PDFs can be freely downloaded.

ClinicalKey is a clinical database and search engine that, in addition to other content, includes about 1,000 books, 650 journals published by Elsevier, as well as numerous multimedia content.
In the ClinicalKey database, you can find:
- Books - textbooks and handbooks from various clinical disciplines from which it is possible to download annotated photos and use them in presentations.
- Journals - here you can find the latest literature for your seminar and thesis.
- Procedures Videos - presentations of medical procedures accompanied by videos and detailed descriptions from all branches of medicine.
- Multimedia - photos and graphics that you can use in your thesis and presentations
Access is available on all School of Medicine's locations, as well as UHC's locations Kišpatićeva and Petrova. After registering and creating your own user accounts using your email address, remote access is also possible: Instructions for remote access.

UpToDate is a database that includes concise information and recommendations in evidence-based medicine and the results of the latest studies that can be applied in clinical practice. It was purchased by the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb for its employees and students.
Dr Med - Digital Repository

The Dr Med digital repository gathers, permanently stores, and allows open access to digital versions of scientific research and intellectual and creative property of an institution, its employees, and its students. This repository currently stores mostly graduate theses, but it is open for different types of materials, including research data, books, educational materials, etc., photos, and graphics that you can use in your thesis and presentations.
After completing your studies, your graduate, specialist, or doctoral thesis will also be stored in the Dr Med repository!
Other resources
More information about available databases, e-journals, and other sources is available in our resources section.
In the event that access to the desired article or book chapter is not possible from the above-mentioned resources, you can order the texts free of charge through an international interlibrary loan through the Rapid ILL system. More details are available at Article delivery and the request refers to an email address